Glen Canning spoke at the Begin the Change event in Strathroy, Ontario

By: swadmin
Glen Canning spoke at the Begin the Change event in Strathroy, Ontario
Glen Canning is an advocate for victims of sexual assault. He is the father of Rehtaeh Anne Parsons, a Nova Scotia teenager who was sexually assaulted by four males at a home near Halifax in November 2011. Rehtaeh ended her life April 4th, 2013, following months of cyber-abuse and victim blaming. Glen has spoken about Rehtaeh’s case internationally and across Canada. Along with his daughter’s mother, Leah Parsons, he has helped bring about changes to the Criminal Code of Canada. For his work, Glen and Leah, along with Amanda Todd’s mother Carol, received the Rosalind Prober Award for Advocacy in 2013. He has also recently been named one of Huffington Post Canada’s Top 50 Contributors.
Glen Canning spoke at the Begin the Change event held in Strathroy, Ontario in June 2016. Begin the Change is a movement geared at ending violence against women and children and is in collaboration with Victim and Survivors of Crime Week and the Middlesex Rural Alliance to End Violence Against Women.
Begin the Change – Glen Canning from Frameworks Media on Vimeo.
To learn more about Rehtaeh Parsons story and to donate to the Rehtaeh Parsons Society please visit
You can also learn more about Glen Canning on his website