Social Workers in Sport with Jerry Reynolds

Social Workers in Sport with Jerry Reynolds
On Episode 38 of the Social Work Me Podcast, Matt is joined by guest Jerry Reynolds PhD, LSW, MSW who is an assistant professor in the Social Work department at Ball State University and is the current president of the Alliance of Social Workers in Sport (ASWIS). Jerry has a doctorate in social work with 20 years of experience in the field and his experience as an athlete, coach, researcher, professor and social worker has led to a wealth of knowledge on social workers working in sports.
On this episode, we discuss:
- The creation and evolution of the Alliance of Social Workers in Sport (ASWIS)
- Jerry’s journey as athlete, coach, social worker, professor, researcher and president of ASWIS
- ASWIS partnerships with Sport Social Work Certificate Program + Sport Social Work Journal
- Viewing athletes as a vulnerable population
- The Athlete identity
- How social workers are equipped to work with athletes in a unique way
- Sport social work across the globe
- Spectator behaviours and negative parenting behaviors
- Social workers in sport scope of practice + the importance of collaboration
- Getting involved and the importance of a community in social work
To learn more about the Alliance of Social Workers in Sports (ASWIS) and how you can become a member visit their WEBSITE and follow them on INSTAGRAM.
To find out more about ASWIS’s upcoming 10th Annual Social Workers in Sports Symposium click HERE
Check out ASWIS’s- Social Workers in Sport Field Manual HERE
To connect with Jerry Reynolds you can contact him at
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